


The Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti (FIVI – Italian Federation of Independent Winegrowers) has the scope of representing and safeguarding the figure of the winemaker in relation to the institutions by promoting the quality and authenticity of Italian wines.
FIVI groups together winemakers that meet the following criteria:
The winegrower cultivates his own vines, bottles the wine, personally catering to his product. He sells all or part of the harvest bottled, under his own responsibility, name and label.
The winegrower does not purchase grapes or wines for commercial purposes; he buys grapes only in extreme cases of vinification needs, in conformity with the laws in force.
The winegrower respects the oenological norms of the profession, limiting the use of needless and costly additives, focusing his attention on the production of wholesome grapes that do not need “maquillage” in the cellar.




Why was FIVI created?

Unfortunately, we must assert that neither our unions or the ministry or the Italian representatives in Brussels have defended our interests. The large merchant, distribution, wine-producing and wine industrialists lobbies (who now have multinational interests) usually predominate.
It is clear that industry and trade have interests in disengaging themselves from their origins, from the territory, in order to be able to buy raw materials in one place or another, based on market convenience. But wine in Europe is not a raw material: it is instead an agricultural product tied to its territory of origin. For this reason, it seems unfathomable and incorrect that a grape must born in one European country be bottled in another (where labour costs are, of course, higher) and be labelled as a product of that country without an indication of the country of origin. This is misleading for the consumer and constitutes unfair competition in relation to the winegrowers of the importing country. But this already happens with olive oil, where the interests of the multinational industry have eliminated many small-scale producers.